Mutual Fund OCBC

Get a variety of OCBC mutual fund investment instruments ranging from conservative to aggressive risk. Ready to invest? Register now via OCBC mobile!

Easy and Safe

Managed profesionally by experienced management investment

Reduce the Risk

Investment ease by having controlled risk

Liquid & Flexible

Easy fund disbursement of Mutual Fund based on the market price

Risk Level

Mutual Fund

Investment Manager

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Product Name A-Z

Product Name Z-A

Risk Level: Aggressive

Equity Fund

Sucorinvest Equity Fund


IDR 2234,15 /Unit (28/02/2025)


IDR 2.86 Trillion (28/02/2025)



Risk Level: Conservative

Money Market Fund

Sucorinvest Money Market Fund


IDR 1850,64 /Unit (28/02/2025)


IDR 4.13 Trillion (28/02/2025)



Risk Level: Growth

Balanced Fund

Schroder Syariah Balanced Fund


IDR 2479,48 /Unit (28/02/2025)


IDR 63.31 Billion (28/02/2025)



Risk Level: Balance

Fixed Income Fund

Schroder USD Bond Fund Kelas A


USD 1,6556 /Unit (28/02/2025)


USD 28.45 Million (28/02/2025)



Risk Level: Aggressive

Equity Fund

Schroder Global Sharia Equity Fund USD


USD 1,8032 /Unit (28/02/2025)


USD 51.59 Million (28/02/2025)



Risk Level: Growth

Balanced Fund

Schroder Dana Terpadu II


IDR 4433,35 /Unit (28/02/2025)


IDR 521.50 Billion (28/02/2025)



Risk Level: Aggressive

Equity Fund

Schroder Dana Prestasi


IDR 34452 /Unit (28/02/2025)


IDR 1.16 Trillion (28/02/2025)



Risk Level: Aggressive

Equity Fund

Schroder Dana Prestasi Plus


IDR 27656,9 /Unit (28/02/2025)


IDR 3.37 Trillion (28/02/2025)



Frequently Asked Questions about Mutual Funds

What are the requirements for opening an investment account or Single Investor Identification (SID) ?

What are the requirements for opening an investment account or Single Investor Identification (SID) ?

How to open a Mutual Fund Investment account?

How do I purchase the Mutual Funds in Bank OCBC?

What should I do if the process of purchasing a mutual fund fail?

How do I sell or redeem the Mutual Fund in OCBC?

Can Mutual Funds be redeem at any time and how long does it take for the redemption process?

Is there any profit or loss information on my mutual funds?

Can I do Mutual Fund transactions at any time through OCBC mobile?

Are the funds invested in Mutual Funds safe?

Is Mutual Fund investment profitable?

Mutual Fund Disclaimer

Requirements for opening an investment account through OCBC mobile:

  1. Apply for individual customer
  2. Having an OCBC account
  3. Having an E - KTP for Indonesian citizen
  4. Fill in personal data & risk profiles, as well as uploading required documents thorugh OCBC mobile

Opening an investment account can be done by ONe Mobile, with the following steps:

  1. Click "Wealth Management" menu
  2. Select "Mutual Fund"
  3. Upload the required documents and complete the Customer Data
  4. Select your account that will be used to invest and click "Agree" to the Terms and Conditions
  5. Enter your PIN or SMS Token, then click "next"
  6. Check out this video for following steps to open an investment account

Mutual Fund purchase can be done by OCBC mobile application or through Bank OCBC branch.
Via One Mobile:

  1. Click "Wealth Management" menu
  2. Then select "Mutual Fund" menu
  3. Click "Buy"
  4. Select Mutual Fund product
  5. Input the transaction data
  6. Check the transaction detail, then click "next"
  7. Click "Terms and Conditions", then click "Confirm"
  8. Enter your transaction PIN or SMS Token, then click "next"
  9. Check out this video for following steps to purchase mutual funds via OCBC mobile

You can contact your Relationship Manager to find out the cause of failure. In case you do not know how to contact your RM, please contact Tanya OCBC at 1500-999 or visit the nearest branch of Bank OCBC.

There are two ways to sell or redeem the Mutual Funds, which are through Bank OCBC branch or via OCBC mobile application

Mutual Funds with the types of Money Market, Fixed Income, Balanced, Stock Mutual Fund can be redeemed every bourse day until 01.00 pm.

Information on profit or loss potency of Mutual Funds can be seen via OCBC mobile application by:

  1. Click "Wealth Management" menu
  2. Select "My Investment" to see the profit/loss potency of your investment products
  3. Click the investment products that you have for details on the profit/loss potency for each transaction

Mutual Fund transactions can be done at any time on OCBC mobile, but transactions will be effective in the same day if it is inputted in exchange day before 13.00 WIB. Beyond the time, transaction will be effective on the next exchange day.

The Mutual Funds portfolio is managed by Investment Manager and the investment funds are kept by Bank Kustodian, so that customer funds remain safe. But, keep in mind that there is risk in every investment, so customer should choose investment products in accordance with the risk profile.

Every investment has potensial profit and loss risk, as well as Mutual Funds. Therefore, it is important for customer to know the risk profile and investment strategy before choosing the appropriate Mutual Funds.

Mutual fund is a capital market product, NOT PT. Bank OCBC NISP's (“Bank”) product NOR the Bank’s third-party deposit, thus it is not guaranteed by the Bank and excluded from the government guarantee program or Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan.

Before deciding to invest in Mutual Fund, the customer shall read and understand the contents of documents related to Mutual Fund products (Mutual Fund General Terms and Conditions, prospectuses, and other documents) particularly regarding the investment policies and investment risks including but not limited to risk of decline in principal, market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, currency risk and risk of political or regulatory changes.

All investment decisions made are responsibility of the customer and the customer is willing to accept all risks arising from the investment.

Past performance is no indicative of future result.

The Bank only acts as a selling agent and the customer releases the Bank, its management and employees from all responsibilities, losses and claims, lawsuits and/or demands in any form from any third party.

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